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What is Disploy?

Disploy handles interactions and transforms them into classes that you can use to easily interact with the Discord API. To put it simply, Disploy is an interaction router.

We also have a CLI that makes it easy to quickly prototype and deploy your bot, it's simple but effective. It has a Next.js like pattern with a file system based router, and it's easy to deploy your bot to a Cloudflare worker and more with disploy deploy. You can learn more about the CLI in the CLI guide.

Why use Disploy?

Disploy's main goal is to make it easy to build, test and deploy Discord bots. We want to make it easy to build bots that are easy to maintain and scale through serverless platforms like Cloudflare Workers. Disploy is extremely flexible and can be used on many different runtimes, including Cloudflare Workers, Vercel, Deno, Node.js and more.